Recruitment information at Resorts Ryukyu Co., Ltd.

Resorts Ryukyu Co., Ltd.


Resorts Ryukyu Group is committed to pursuing both material and spiritual happiness for all staff while promoting both physical and mental health, thereby continuing to "deliver" dreams and emotions to our customers.

Company information

Recruiment information

Jobs Status

Recruitment process


Online Interview - JapanViec

At JapanViec, you will undergo an initial online interview to assess your skills and language abilities. We will also provide suggestions on how to present your resume to increase your chances of success.


Employer Reviews Your Application

After the initial interview, the HR team of Resorts Ryukyu Co., Ltd. will evaluate and review your application. If your application passes this round, you will be invited for a direct interview with a representative from Resorts Ryukyu Co., Ltd.


Direct Interview with Company HR

Resorts Ryukyu Co., Ltd. will conduct a direct interview with you. If you meet the job requirements, the company will hire you and negotiate your salary and benefits during a subsequent online discussion.


"We pursue the material and spiritual happiness of all employees and provide the best service to convey dreams and emotions to our customers. We also enhance corporate value and contribute to regional development through tourism." Our company carries out this management philosophy in Okinawa, the forefront of Japan's tourism, by operating in the hotel industry and managing commercial facilities, deeply rooted in the local community.

Company name Resorts Ryukyu Co., Ltd.
Location 174-5 Seshina, (Seshina Ward/Block) - Tomigusuku City - Okinawa
Representative Representative Director and President: Kenshiro Kaneshiro

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