
JapanViec ("we") is committed to respecting the privacy of users. We strive to provide a safe and secure user experience. This Privacy Policy ("Policy") outlines the collection, processing, and use of online personal data applicable to all our websites (unless there is a specific privacy statement applicable). We encourage you to carefully read this Policy and check this page regularly for any changes that we may make in accordance with the terms of this Policy.

For the purposes of this Policy, personal data means any information related to an identified or identifiable individual (i.e., a person).

By selecting and agreeing to the Policy when registering an account, you allow us to collect, use, share, and/or process your personal data as stipulated in this Policy. This consent is effective and valid from the moment you agree until you withdraw your consent or in cases of automatic termination as specified by law. If you do not consent to the processing of your personal data as described in this Policy, please do not use our services or access our websites, or promptly inform us of your withdrawal of consent if you have previously agreed.

Our websites contain links to other websites that we do not control. JapanViec is not responsible for the privacy policies or operations of other websites that you choose to connect to from a JapanViec website. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of those other websites so that you can understand how they process, use, and share your personal data. This policy applies solely to the personal data we collect on the JapanViec website and does not apply to the personal data we collect through any other means.

Types of personal data and collection methods

Within the appropriate scope to provide services to you and depending on your voluntary provision, JapanViec may request or may collect personal data in various ways from different areas on our website.

The collected personal data may include identity and contact information such as name (first, middle, and last names if applicable), address, email address, phone number, contact information, payment information, and any other information by which your identity may be identified. In other areas, JapanViec collects or may collect demographic information about you without specifically identifying you, such as postal code, age, interests, gender, and preferences. Occasionally, we collect or may collect a combination of both types of data.

To create a JapanViec profile, you can provide us with information about your education, work experience, skills and qualifications, photos, confirmations, and more.

In addition, JapanViec may collect information about you indirectly when you use certain third-party services on our website. For example, if you register on our website using your Microsoft Passport, Google, or Facebook username and password, you allow us to access and store your account profile information; this information will be governed by and processed in accordance with the regulations and methods described in this Policy.

We also collect and may collect certain information about how you use our website, such as the areas you access and the services you use. Furthermore, information about the technical details of your computer hardware and software may be or may be collected by JapanViec. This technical information may include (but is not limited to) internet protocol (IP) addresses, MAC addresses, browser type and version, domain names, access times, and addresses of referring websites, types and versions of extensions (or plug-ins) in your web browser, operating system and platform, mobile phone location data, and other technologies on the devices you use to access our website and services.

Occasionally, JapanViec may give you the opportunity to provide descriptive information, cultural information, behavior, hobbies, and/or information about your lifestyle, but providing such information is entirely up to you. For example, such information may be used to determine your interest in receiving emails or other forms of communication about specific products or services.

You acknowledge and agree that if you choose to post any of your personal data in public areas of JapanViec, such as in job applications, online forums or chat rooms, in JapanViec Networking, or in searchable profile databases, such personal data may be collected and used by others over whom JapanViec has no control. We are not responsible for the collection and use of data that third parties perform on the data you post or provide in public areas of JapanViec.

You also agree and confirm that all personal data and information that you provide, post, or upload on our website is accurate and lawful, and you will not use such data and information for any unlawful purpose. JapanViec, acting as an intermediary platform, will not provide any guarantees and will not be responsible for any party involved in this matter.

If you provides us with any personal data of any third party, you commit and ensure that you have obtained consent, license, and/or permission from that third party to share and transfer their personal data to us, and for us to collect, store, use, disclose, and/or process that data according to this Policy. You must provide us with valid legal documents to prove that you have obtained the necessary consent and permission.


We will only store your personal data for the period necessary to achieve the purposes for which we collected that data. As we believe that managing your career is a lifelong process, we will always retain all information we collect about you to make your future use of our services more efficient, meaningful, and relevant. Of course, you can modify or update your personal account profile at any time.

Use of personal data of JapanViec

We use the data collected on the JapanViec website, whether personal information, demographic data, aggregate data, or technical data, for the purpose of operating and improving the JapanViec website, creating a positive user experience, and providing the products and services we propose.

We may also use the data on the JapanViec website, whether personal information, demographic data, aggregate data, or technical data, for the purpose of operating and improving the JapanViec website, creating a positive user experience, and providing the products and services we propose.

We may use your contact information to send emails or other messages related to updates on the JapanViec website, such as new job opportunities from JapanViec and additional job listings that may interest you. The nature and frequency of these messages will vary depending on the information we have about you. Additionally, at the time of registering for MyJapanViec, you may choose to receive additional messages, information, and promotions, including, but not limited to, free newsletters from JapanViec related to topics you may be particularly interested in, such as career management advice.

We have an area where you can provide feedback. Any feedback you submit in this area becomes our property, and we may use such feedback (such as success stories) for marketing purposes or contact you for further information.

We may use your personal data for other purposes as described to you at the time of collecting your personal data.

Disclosure of personal data

We do not disclose your personal data, combined personal data with demographic data, or information about your use of the JapanViec website (such as areas you access and services you use) to third parties, except in the cases outlined below:

  1. We may disclose the above information to a third party if you agree to such disclosure. For example, if you indicate that you want to receive information about third-party products or services when you register an account with JapanViec, we may provide your contact information to third parties such as businesses, employers, aggregate data providers, marketers, or others to send you emails or contact you through other means. We may use the data we have about you (such as interests and preferences you provide) to determine whether you are interested in the products or services of a specific third party.
  2. We may disclose the above information to companies and individuals we employ to perform functions on our behalf. For example, web server hosting, data analysis, providing market support, processing credit card payments, and providing customer service. These companies and individuals will have access to your personal information when necessary to perform their functions, but they will not share the information with any third party.
  3. We may disclose the above information if required by law or government agencies, or if we believe that doing so is necessary to: (a) comply with legal requirements or regulatory processes; (b) protect the rights or property of JapanViec or affiliated companies; (c) prevent crime or protect national security; or (d) protect the personal safety of users or the public.
  4. We may disclose and transfer the above information to a third party in the case of a total or substantial acquisition of JapanViec’s entire business, whether through merger, consolidation, or the total or substantial acquisition of our assets as regulated by current laws. In the case that JapanViec is dissolved or no longer operational, or declares bankruptcy or terminates business operations in accordance with legal provisions, your personal data will be permanently deleted, meaning that the personal data will be deleted and cannot be recovered.

JapanViec provides technology, hosting, and related services to other companies in the recruiting areas with jurisdiction on their websites (sometimes referred to as "private recruiting areas"). Personal and/or demographic information you provide in these private recruiting areas becomes part of JapanViec’s database, but no one except you, JapanViec, and the relevant company can access this information without your consent.

If you apply for a position through a co-branded website, you may be required to provide information about age, gender, or ethnicity. Some employers are legally required to collect this information from candidates for reporting and storage purposes. You should understand that if you provide this information, it will be collected by employers as required by law and will not be used to make any employment decisions. All provided information will be separated from your expression of interest in any job opportunities. Providing this information is entirely voluntary, and you will not face any action or unfavorable treatment if you choose not to provide this information.

Can you decline?

Whenever we send information to you, we will include instructions on how to unsubscribe and a link to do so.

Job application profiles

As JapanViec is a job recruitment website, we provide you with the option to save your profile in our database. There are two ways to do this:

  1. You can retain your profile in our database but prevent it from being searchable by potential employers. Not allowing your profile to be searchable means you can use it to apply online, but businesses and recruiters cannot search for it through our profile database.
  2. If you permit your profile to be searchable, all authorized parties with access to our job application profile database can search (or a copy of the data) for it. Additionally, a part of your searchable profile (but not your contact information) may be publicly viewable in your Networking account on JapanViec Networking.

We attempt to limit access to our searchable job profile database (or a copy of the data) for businesses, recruiters, recruitment managers, professional recruitment organizations, and human resources experts who pay fees, as well as law enforcement agencies and national security, but we cannot guarantee that other organizations will not access this database. We are not responsible for the use of profiles by third parties accessing such profiles while they are in our searchable profile database. However, parts of your searchable profile (excluding your contact information) that are automatically made public in your Networking profile on JapanViec Networking can be accessed by anyone using JapanViec Networking. You can remove your profile from our searchable database or delete your profile from JapanViec Networking at any time. However, businesses, recruiters, and others who have paid to access that database or to obtain a copy of that database, as well as others who access the database and those who have accessed JapanViec Networking, may retain a copy of your resume or Networking profile in their private database. We are not responsible for the ownership, use, or security of job application profiles or Networking profiles in these cases.

Use of Cookies

JapanViec uses cookies to help personalize and optimize your online experience. A cookie is a text file placed on your hard drive by a website server. Cookies are not used to run programs or introduce viruses into your computer. Cookies are placed on your computer and can only be read by a web server on the domain that issued the cookie to you.

One of the main purposes of cookies is to provide convenient features to save you time. The purpose of a cookie is to inform the website server that you have returned to a specific page. For example, if you personalize the JapanViec page or subscribe to a service, a cookie helps us recall specific information about you (such as your username, password, and preferences). By using cookies, we can provide faster and more accurate results, along with a more personalized website experience. When you return to the JapanViec page, previously provided information can be retrieved, making it easy for you to use the customized features. We also use cookies to track clicks and balance content loading.

You can accept or decline the use of cookies. Most websites automatically accept cookies, but you can often change your browser settings to decline all cookies if you prefer. Instead, you can modify your browser settings to notify you each time a cookie is sent, allowing you to accept or decline cookies on an individual basis. However, if you choose to decline cookies, it may reduce performance and negatively impact your experience on the JapanViec website.

Users’ rights and obligations

By using our services or accessing our website, you acknowledge that you understand your rights and obligations as defined by current laws, including but not limited to Decree No. 13/2023/ND-CP on Personal Data Protection dated April 17, 2023, as outlined below.

Regarding your personal data, you may exercise the following rights as stipulated by current laws:

Right to Informed

You have the right to be informed about the processing activities of your personal data, unless otherwise stipulated by law.

Right to Consent

You have the right to give or withhold consent for the processing of your personal data, unless otherwise stipulated by law.

Right to Access

You have the right to access your personal data to view, edit, or request the correction of your personal data, unless otherwise stipulated by law.

Right to Withdraw consent

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time regarding the continued use, disclosure, storage, and/or processing of your personal data for any purposes mentioned above by contacting us through the contact information provided below. We will respond to your request as soon as possible to confirm the withdrawal of your consent.

You need to understand that when you withdraw your consent for us to use, disclose, store, or process your personal data for the mentioned purposes, we may not be able to continue providing services to you or fulfill any contractual obligations with you, and we will not be liable in case we cease to provide services or fulfill our contractual obligations. In such cases, our legal rights and remedies will still be clearly preserved.

Right to Deletion of data

You have the right to delete or request the deletion of your personal data unless otherwise specified by law.

In particular, you can delete your job application profile from the online database of JapanViec, remove or close your JapanViec personal accounts at any time, in which case we will delete all copies of your profile and data within 72 hours. Please delete your account in the Settings/Account/Deactivate account section or contact us by sending an email to

Right to Restrict the processing of personal data

You have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your personal data unless otherwise specified by law. The restriction of the processing of personal data will be implemented within 72 hours after we receive your request and will apply to all personal data as per your request, unless otherwise specified by law.

Right to Provide personal data

You also have the right to request that we provide your personal data unless otherwise specified by law.

Right to Object to the processing of personal data

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data carried out by JapanViec to prevent or restrict the disclosure of your personal data or the use of your personal data for advertising and marketing purposes, unless otherwise specified by law.

Right to Complaint, Reports and Lawsuits

You have the right to file complaints, reports, and lawsuits as provided by law.

Right to Claim compensation for Damages

You have the right to claim compensation for damages as provided by law in case of a violation of the regulations on the protection of your personal data unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties or unless otherwise specified by law.

Right to Self-protection

You have the right to self-defense as stipulated by the Civil Code, other relevant laws, such as regulations on the protection of personal data, or to request competent authorities and organizations to implement methods to protect civil rights as prescribed in Article 11 of the Civil Code.

If you wish to exercise any legal rights listed in the table above, please contact us through the contact information provided in this Policy. We may also request specific information to help verify your identity, ensure your right to exercise any rights in the table above, and prevent your personal data from being disclosed to anyone unauthorized. All legal requests will be responded to within the specified timeframe.

You also have the following obligations related to personal data under the provisions of the law:

Protect your personal data; request relevant organizations and individuals to protect your personal data.

Respect and protect the personal data of others.

Provide complete and accurate personal data when you have agreed to the processing of your personal data.

Participate in the dissemination, promotion of personal data protection skills.

Comply with regulations on personal data protection and prevent violations of personal data protection regulations.

Provide legal documentation to prove that you have obtained consent and necessary permission from referees or third parties to provide their personal data.

Update your personal data

You can review, edit, update, or change information in your JapanViec account at any time. Simply log in to your JapanViec account, go to your JapanViec profile, review the account information, and if you wish, you can edit that information with the provided options.

If you choose to receive newsletters, commercial emails, or other communications from JapanViec or third parties when you register with MyJapanViec but later change your mind, you can opt-out by editing your JapanViec profile as described above. If you had previously chosen not to receive such communications, you can opt-in later by editing your JapanViec profile.


JapanViec has implemented reasonable technical and organizational measures to protect your personal information from unexpected loss and unauthorized access, use, alteration, or disclosure. However, data loss and information leaks can still occur due to technical reasons, malicious actors, or unforeseen situations beyond our control. Within the limits permitted by applicable law, we will notify the relevant parties and competent authorities of any breaches (if they occur) within the statutory timeframe.

If you suspect any misuse, loss, or unauthorized access to your personal data, please contact us immediately using the contact information provided in this Policy.


JapanViec is not directed at users under the age of 13. We do not collect personal information from children under the age of 13.

Privacy policy changes

If we decide to change, modify, or update the Privacy Policy for JapanViec, we will post those changes or updates here so that you are always aware of what personal data we collect, how we may use that personal data, and to whom we may disclose it. If at any time you have questions or concerns about JapanViec’s Privacy Policy, please email us at:

Contact Information is a product of Lisod Japan Co., Ltd., the website name of Lisod Japan Co., Ltd., with its address at 6th Floor, Nishi-Shinjuku Mizuma Building, 3-3-13 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo.

Contact our CTO: Duong Hoang Quynh -

We welcome your feedback on this Policy. If you believe that we are not adhering to this Policy, please contact us at We will make reasonable efforts to promptly identify and address the issue.


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