Recruitment information at Oxford International

Oxford International


Under the philosophy of "Only One," we strive to be a bridge between all the information and people in the world, constantly creating new ideas and spreading useful information for society through advertising

Company information

Recruiment information

Jobs Status

Recruitment process


Online Interview - JapanViec

At JapanViec, you will undergo an initial online interview to assess your skills and language proficiency. We will also provide suggestions on how to present your resume to increase your admission rate.


Oxford International Recruiters Filter Resumes

After the initial interview, Oxford International will evaluate and review your profile. If your resume passes this round, you will proceed to a direct interview with Oxford International representatives.


Direct Interview with the Employer

Oxford International will conduct a direct interview with you. If you meet the job requirements, the company will hire you and then negotiate salary and benefits in subsequent online discussions.


We value "connections between people" and with a flexible mindset that "values information," we have been providing new information as added value in the field of education and related facilities. Oxford International Group attracts talented individuals from all over the world. Currently, Oxford International is recruiting positions for foreigners through the "Japanviec" recruitment site for foreigners residing in Japan.

Company name Oxford International
Location 5th Floor, 2-7-6 Kanda Misakicho - Chiyoda Ward - Tokyo
Representative CEO & President, Kiyoshi Yamada

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