Recruitment information at Japan Air Travel Marketing Co., Ltd.

Japan Air Travel Marketing Co., Ltd.

1702822561-スクリーンショット 2023-12-17 23.14.50

Japan Air Travel Marketing Co., Ltd.

Company information

Recruiment information

Jobs Status

Recruitment process


Online Interview - JapanViec

At JapanViec, you will undergo an initial online interview where your skills and language abilities will be assessed. We will also offer suggestions on how to present your resume to increase your chances of acceptance.


Japan Air Travel Marketing Co., Ltd. Recruiters

After the initial interview, the Japan Air Travel Marketing Co., Ltd. company will evaluate and review your profile. If your resume passes this round, you will proceed to a direct interview with the company's representatives.


Direct Interview with Company Representatives

Japan Air Travel Marketing Co., Ltd. will conduct a direct interview with you. If you meet the job requirements, the company will hire you, and further discussions regarding salary and benefits will take place in subsequent online discussions.


Company name Japan Air Travel Marketing Co., Ltd.
Location 5th Floor, Tōtan Building, 4-16-13 Shibaura - Minato Ward - Tokyo
Representative Representative, CEO & President, Dash Haneda

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